Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Post Settlement Loans to Financially Save an Appealed Lawsuit Verdict

It’s a horrible thought, it’s been 18 months since your accident and your lawsuit has finally reached a favorable verdict and you were awarded monetary compensation. Then, you get notification from your attorney that the defendant in your lawsuit is appealing the verdict. This means you’re going to have to wait even longer before you can receive compensation; while hoping the verdict remains the same in the higher court the case is being appealed in. What can a plaintiff in this type of situation do?  The plaintiff has the option of applying for a lawsuit post settlement loan.

A post settlement loan is really the same concept as a pre lawsuit settlement loan, instead it’s applied for after a verdict has been reached in favor of the plaintiff, but the defendant has appealed the case in a higher court. Appealing a lawsuit verdict is common practice in civil law. It also prevents the plaintiff from getting his compensation and allows the defendant to try and over turn the verdict in a higher court; thus leaving the plaintiff with nothing. By the end of a lawsuit the plaintiff will most likely have lots of bills to pay (including medical, legal, car\auto, etc). This is why a lawsuit post settlement loan can be an excellent choice in a situation where the defendant has appealed the verdict.

A lawsuit post settlement loan is the same concept as a standard lawsuit loan; the only difference is you apply for a post settlement loan “after” a verdict has been reached and the defendant is appealing the verdict; unlike a traditional pre settlement loan where you’re getting the money “before” a verdict has been reached. Post settlement loans are non-recourse debts; this is due to the fact that if the defendant’s appeal gets the verdict overturned you are “not” required to pay back the money given to you via the post settlement loan.

As you can tell this is an excellent way for a plaintiff to access to funds if they are in need of cash. It’s common for plaintiffs in long drawn out lawsuits to build up debt during the period of the lawsuit; some plaintiffs even get on the verge of bankruptcy or actually have to file for bankruptcy. Don’t be one of the statistics, let a post settlement loan prevent you from financial ruin and get access to cash you need, when you need it. If you’re ready to learn more about a post or pre settlement loan then continue below.

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